Healey Museum Donations
AHCA | Published on 4/28/2019
The Austin-Healey Club of America (AHCA) has joined in partnership with the Healey Museum in the Netherlands as a fiscal supporter. Each year, AHCA will match donations up to $2,500 from local and regional Clubs in an effort to reach our $5,000 partner goal with the Museum. This partnership brings many benefits for our members, including free entrance to the Museum and historical content provided through the Healey Marque magazine.
Clubs can feel free to donate throughout the year. Once our fundraising goal is met for the calendar year, AHCA will escrow any additional funds to begin our goal-setting for the next year. We hope this giving opportunity will become an annual event for our membership.
We thank our local Clubs for their on-going support and participation in celebrating and preserving the Marque and its valuable history.
So that we can reach our “Gold” level status, please send your checks directly to Bev Sealand, 15 Ancient Highway Wetherfield, CT 06109. Checks should be made payable to AHCA (please note Museum donation), and our available corporate match funds will be added and sent over to the Museum.