The Austin-Healey Concours Registry
The Concours Registry was created by members of national Austin-Healey Clubs to assist owners in restoring
their cars to original factory standards and to encourage the restoration and maintenance of original cars. The Registry is an independent body belonging to no single Club. It is a committee of individuals who are ready to assist with questions and inquiries, arrange and conduct judging at recognized national Club events, and maintain an ever-evolving knowledge base of data for the restorer.
- To provide information, assistance and encouragement to those who wish to restore and maintain their cars to original specifications and quality
- To certify and maintain a registry of cars that have been restored to notable levels of originality
- To encourage the continuing improvement of cars through a published and supported system of inspection, recognition and awards
- To establish and maintain consistent and widely accepted guidelines for condition and originality to assist in restoring cars and determining the quality of restorations
The Registry caters to all Austin-Healey production cars, including Hundreds, 100/Sixes, 3000s and all series of Sprites. To this end, books of guidelines have been established to assist in the accurate restoration processes for all these models.
Whether or not the owner or restorer wishes to have the car judged, “Organization, Policies and Guidelines” for each model will prove to be the most valuable tool in the restoration process.
To obtain an order form for the current Concours Guidelines, email your request to Mike Osipik at
The order form contains information regarding the different guideline versions. For further information about restoration guidelines, contact Mike at 39 East 55th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64113 or 816-729-9119.
For any further Concours questions, contact:
Randy Hicks
AHCA Concours Liaison
7 Seawatch Dr.
Savannah, GA 31411
Phone: (508) 981 5113